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Nevada Dansie's Art & Amusement

Incident at Deer Run

August 8, 1997

I was driving home on Tuesday, August 4, 1997. It was around two in the morning and I took the back way (Deer Run Road). It was really dark and there were no other cars or people in the area. I crested the last hill in the road and saw what looked like a pickup truck party. About six trucks were parked along side the road. Sedge Road was blocked off with a truck and a wooden road block. As I got closer I saw that the trucks were all white with United States Government plaques on the doors. What was even stranger was that the license plates were government plates with blue writing except for a bold red AREA 51 printed on them. All the trucks and the plates were the same. On the fenders they had numbers identifying them as 183, 184,185,.....and so on. In the bed of the trucks were what looked like huge solar panels pointed towards the sky. In one truck there was what looked like a telescope mounted in the center of the bed. I then noticed several men in uniforms walking around positioning these panels and telescope. As I started to slow down to get a better look the men looked up at my car and proceeded to come towards me, as if to say, "Do not stop! Keep moving like you never saw this". I was smart and sped up. I got home and went to bed.

The next morning, about 6:30 AM I was driving down Carson River Road and saw the same trucks--only the men were acting like they were packing up to leave. I do not know what they were doing, but it was a rather weird scene. Makes me think the government is up to something.

-from a friend who'd rather remain anonymous. She has a photographic memory and I tend to trust her description of what she saw.

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