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Fairy Lights

In the forest in the trees
Smaller than the birds or bees
Fairies dance and fairies play
You can see them if you stay.

You cannot move.  You must be still.
You must believe.  I know you will.
Look for signs.  Don't miss a thing.
They'll tease you as if in a dream.

From the corner of you eye
The slightest movement will go by
When you turn to see the sight
What remains is tiny light.

Tiny lights on moonlit nights
Shine upon the leaves.
Tiny footprints made of light
Is all that you will see.

Fairy lights on fairy nights
Dance upon the leaves.
Fairy lights on fairy nights
Glow if you believe.


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Evening Escape

Poem by Paul McGavic © 2000
Email Paul

Used here with gracious permission.

Love eternal, love so true
Love that shines on morning dew
Started in the fairy mist
Started with a fairy kiss.

Love so grateful, love so deep
Love that only hearts can keep
Started in the fairy mist
Sealed it with a fairy kiss.

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Kiss II

Poem by Paul McGavic © 2000
Email Paul


When I was but a little boy
I captured fireflies outa' for joy.
I'd put them in a jar at night
Just to watch their bottoms light.

I didn't know.  I wasn't thinkin'
That their rear ends were a beacon
For the fairies gathered near
To cling to someone they held dear.

I'd fall asleep.  I felt so warm.
Something's keeping me from harm.
I'd dream of fireflies all the night
Knowing in the morning light
I'd wake to find their backsides bright.

When I awoke, it never failed
The fairies broke them out of jail.

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Break Time

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Beauty bath IV

Poem by Paul McGavic © 2000
Email Paul

Tending Bells

Can you hear the fairy breeze
Winding through the fairy trees?

Listen for the signs that tell
Of the fairies tending bells.

In the corners of the night
Guarded by the fairy light
Sprinkles of the fairy dust
Ping the bells...I know they must.

In the quiet, in the eve
In my mind my heart believes.
In diamonds of the morning dew
The bells toll songs of love that's true.

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Tending Bells

Poem by Paul McGavic © 2000
Email Paul


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Fairy Bathing in Mushroom

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Evening Read

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Luminous, in Love

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Fall Fairy

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This was inspired by an antique Djer Kiss ladies' powder compact in my collection.

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Evening Repose
Private Collection

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The Offering
Private Collection

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Click Image to see a closeup

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Do you love fairies? After enjoying my fairy art, please visit
Pixie Tricks!

For lovely fairy figurines and more visit carouselsnfairies


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Reproduction of material from any internal content without written permission is strictly prohibited.
Copyright © 1997 Nevada Dansie






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